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We are proud to represent buyers and help them find great properties to purchase. As experienced real estate professionals, we can help you avoid some of the pitfalls that create issues with the process or can delay your closing.

Many people don’t realize that they have the right to have an expert represent them in the purchase of real estate in Maine, usually at no cost to the buyer. In the vast majority of cases, the seller has hired an agent to publicize, market and sell the property, and that agent is offering to pay a portion of their commission to a buyer’s agent who brings a successful buyer. Make sure that you have someone to advise you, provide you with proper paperwork, communicate with everyone involved in the purchase process and make your purchase go as smoothly as possible.

In certain areas of Maine, today’s market is highly competitive. With fewer properties on the market, it takes the expertise, communication skills and tools of a dedicated, full-time Realtor to help you not only find a great home but also buy it. We have up-to-the-minute search and database access for alerts to new properties coming on the market.

We at American Real Estate understand the ins and outs of the market. We have experience working with first time buyers, professional investors and everything in-between. It is our pleasure to help people understand the process of purchasing real estate in Maine, and we take our role to properly advise our clients throughout this process very seriously. With a myriad of local inspectors, contractors, mortgage loan officers, title companies, real estate attorneys, electricians, plumbers, etc. to call on, we can help you find great vendors as necessary as well.

Don’t miss out because you don’t have someone looking out for your best interests. Contact us today to learn how we can help!